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We're excited to launch the 2nd Global call for the Science Incubation Program 2024, implemented by the Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF) with support of the PMI Science R&D Center Armenia. The program aims to support research groups, companies, and institutions worldwide in developing disruptive ideas and highly applied research. It fosters collaborations between industry and academia, facilitating the commercialization of science and research output valorization.

In-House Artists - Black Box Hub


Calling Armenia-based visionary artists! Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF) is looking for talented in-house artists for its Black Box Hub initiative implemented by Gyumri Technology Center (GTC) and powered by Artbox, Funded by the European Union in Armenia in the framework of the Katapult Creative Accelerator Program. This unique opportunity aims to bring aboard creative minds who will play a key role in shaping our special community.




Armenia Workforce Development Activity

Armenia Workforce Development Activity is a five-year Program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF) and consortium partners, including the Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU) Foundation, Fund of Armenian Relief (FAR) and Civitta Armenia.

The Activity aims to equip 10,000 young people at the age of 15-29 in all marzes of Armenia with working skills, highly demanded in the labor market and ensure 7,000 have better employment opportunities. 


The Activity was launched in October 2021 and will be working to provide the youth and women with opportunities to improve their skills in line with labor market needs and find employment in the fields of ICT/high-tech, agriculture and hospitality.


The Activity will empower youth, women and people with disabilities (PWD) to be actively engaged in the labor market by engaging with the private sector, Armenian government and education institutions to counter societal stereotypes and transform the policy regulatory environment.


Activity’s three primary objectives work to:


Objective 1: To reduce the gap between the skills of the workforce and the needs of employers

The Activity will collaborate with industry leaders of ICT/high-tech, agriculture and hospitality sector to design market-relevant capacity building programs and prepare ready-to-work professionals that cater those industries and/or create their own ventures. Through active cooperation with Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and higher educational institutions and private sector the Activity will identify the gaps in educational programs and skill mismatches in the labor market and provide assistance with upgrading educational programs and provision of ToT programs for lecturers.


Objective 2: To shift societal perceptions to support effective labor market participation

The Activity will include series of awareness raising campaigns targeted at (i) reaching out to youth groups, PWDs, and women to generate interest and motivate in joining the available programs, (ii) the learning path of youth, through showcasing success and achievements, (iii) private companies and bringing their attention to the graduates of non-formal education programs, TVET institutions, higher education, PWDs, females and recruiting them for available positions. The campaigns will include TV programs, seminars, events and social media actions, which will engage the youth, their families and teachers/lecturers in positive discussions around diversity and inclusion and will amplify youth voices to encourage civic and economic participation of their peers.


Objective 3: To improve the operating and enabling environment of labor market development

The Activity will actively collaborate with the Government of Armenia and relevant bodies to support their reform agenda through project activities, as well as benefit from the Government actions to support and facilitate project activities.


Mapping Baseline Study on the labor market mismatch and the skill gaps in Armenia, developed in the framework of the Armenia Workforce Development Activity, can be found here.

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