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Faculty Research Funding Program 2025

Call for Applications 

The Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF), with the support of PMI Science R&D Center Armenia, is excited to announce the Faculty Research Funding Program 2025. This initiative is designed to foster innovative research that addresses the industry’s current challenges, bridging the gap between academic research and industry needs.

The program aims to provide financial and systemic support to applied research projects conducted by teams from leading universities, research institutes, innovative start-ups, and forward-thinking companies.

ARC Automotive Lab Manager



We are looking for a Manager for the Automotive Lab within the “Advanced Research Center” (ARC) project.


Interested candidates should submit their CVs, a cover letter detailing their relevant experience to [email protected] by January 15, 2025 (including). 




Public consultations on Environmental and Social management plan (ESMP) of the Engineering city “Land improvement and infrastructure construction" subproject's 


Design ideas for the Engineering city main entrance platform and the park planned on the second floor of the parking lot


The Enterprise Incubator Foundation announces a competition for design ideas for a platform adjacent to the main entrance of the Engineering City and a park planned on the second floor of the parking lot.


Photo contest under the headline of “Artsakh War 2020 CHRONICLES”


Enterprise Incubator Foundation therefore announces a photo contest titled “Artsakh War 2020 CHRONICLES”.


2020 will be recorded in history as a chronicle of myriad global adversity. For us Armenians, it is also a historical chapter of war and irreversible loss.


Let's contribute in this important initiative of collecting digital documentary on the days of war and passing it on to future generations to restore historical justice.

ANNOUNCEMENT /03.03.2021/


Enterprise Incubator Foundation announces NEW CALL for the Innovation and Regional Matching Grant competition, in the scope of the "Matching Grants" Program implemented with the assistance of the RA Government, RA Ministry of High-Tech Industry and the World Bank.

ANNOUNCEMENT /01.02.2021/


Enterprise Incubator Foundation announces NEW CALL for the Innovation and Regional Matching Grants competition, in the scope of the "Matching Grants" Program implemented with the assistance of the RA Government, RA Ministry of High-Tech Industry and the World Bank.


IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, is inviting applications from existing women entrepreneurs and women-lead companies from agriculture, high-tech and manufacturing sectors for Empowering Females through Capacity Building to promote technology in non-technology sectors Bootcamp program.


IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, is inviting applications from existing women entrepreneurs and women-lead companies from agriculture, high-tech and manufacturing sectors for Empowering Females through Capacity Building to promote technology in non-technology sectors Acceleration program.



Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF), with the support of PMI Science, is excited to announce the launch of Incubation Program in three directions: Biomimicry, Software tools, Sensorial Engineering. The Program aims to encourage and support teams and companies that are working on bio-inspired solutions, software novelties, engineering interpretation of different processes.


The launch of accepting applications   from engineering and high-tech companies for Resident status of the Engineering City (hereinafter EC) project is announced.


As a result of the Engineering City project it is expected to create a new-format ecosystem where IT and high-tech companies will have an opportunity to develop and implement innovative ideas for the local and international markets, with the use of modern infrastructure.



IFC, a member of the World Bank Group in partnership with the UK Government’s Good Governance Fund is implementing the Armenia Economic Growth and Economic Empowerment of Women project. This project aims to improve the economic impact of female entrepreneurs through capacity building and helping to access global business networks.


Within the Empowering Females through Capacity Building to promote technology in non-technology sectors program we launch the Acceleration program in Yerevan, Gyumri, Vanadzor

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